Fine Arts

Fine Arts Education at RAPS
Roscommon Area Public Schools has a strong tradition of providing exceptional fine arts instruction and our community supports an active participation in our arts programs at every grade level. Our students in grades K-12 are provided many opportunities to explore and refine their passion for the arts. Our programs high quality and award winning.
Artistic Opportunities K-12
Arts At RES
General Music Education
Children's Choir
Middle School Arts
Visual Arts
6th & 7th Grade Choirs
5th-7th Instrumental Music
Middle School Steel Drum
High School Arts
Visual Arts
Award Winning Choir Program
8th Grade Choir
Men's Choir
Women's Choir
Award Winning Instrumental Music Program
Marching Band
Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Jazz Collective
Steel Syndicate
Second Instrument Class
Check Us Out!
All musical concerts and theater department performances are open to the public. Come on out for an evening of entertainment!
RAPS Bands Event Info
Sign up for Mr. Kilbourn's email newsletter or postal mailings for upcoming RAPS Bands concert and event information!
RAPS-Bands Newsletter Be sure to check that you want to receive emails from the RAPS Bands Group when subscribing!
Postal Mailings:
RAPS Bands Mailing List
*Your information will only be used for the stated purpose and will not be shared.
Fine Arts Department
Music and Choir
Tammy Chmielewski -Elementary, middle, and high school
Instrumental Music
Seth Kilbourn -Middle and high school
Visual Arts
Jesse Waterman -middle and high school